Hi! I’m Veronika Reithmeier, a professional dancer and athlete. My story began when I was 5 and took up dancing. Just a year later I got accepted into the Vaganova academy of Ballet in Munich. A 12 year education of the Vaganova Ballet method followed, when I transformed myself from a duckling into a swan, literally.
273 Swan lakes, 240 Nutcrackers, and many other classical and contemporary shows later, I got offered a contract in the Lisbon national Ballet, and started my international career away from home, in 1999.
My dancing career ended suddenly with an accident, and I was forced to switch lanes when it came to my career and life.
I started working in several pedagogic projects and school programs, as well as foreseeing dance classes for individuals with non-born brain damage (such as Parkinson and MS).
Since 2003 I intensively dove into the Bodywork/Pilates industry. My experience is partially based on the recovery of my 22 operations that I had to undergo due to the intense drain that my body faced during the time I was a professional dancer.
In 2009 I came to the Netherlands to become a Pilates teacher in the most traditional form, and became a Romana’s Pilates Teacher, taught by Marjorie Oron, certified by Romana herself, in the second generation of Joseph Pilates "offspring".
Since 2012 I have worked with the resistance tool TRX, and in 2014 I invented my own method which I call PIRX, fusing traditional Pilates with TRX. I like the fact this tool can be taken anywhere, and it empowers autonomy and independence.
Fast forward to today, my business partner and I created Body Garage to empower people making positive transformational changes in their lives. We truly believe in our chosen traditional methods like Pialtes,and keep updated in evolutionary science. Less can be more:)
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